The hardware abstraction layer (HAL) is a collection of low level software modules that are architecturally dependent.
HAL modules are grouped according to the products they are designed for, and each HAL module typically provides you with an interface to a specific hardware module.
The tables below provide an overview of the Hardware Abstraction Layers (HALs) available for the nRF24LE1 / nRF24LU1+ radio MCUs.
Hardware abstraction layers nRF24LE1 | Description |
Analog to Digital Converter (hal_adc) | Interface functions for the analog-to-digital converter (ADC). |
AES encryption (hal_aes) | Interface functions for encrypting data using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) hardware module(s). |
Analog comparator (hal_ancmp) | Interface functions for the analog comparator. |
Clock control (hal_clk) | Interface for clock management. |
Flash (hal_flash) | Interface for self-programming of on-chip Flash / Non Volatile Data Memory. |
Power-fail comparator (hal_pof) | Interface for Power-fail comparator. |
Random number generator (hal_rng) | Interface functions for the true random number generator. |
Real-time clock (hal_rtc) | Interface functions for the real-time clock. |
RF tranceiver (hal_nrf) | Interface functions for the on-chip radio transceiver. |
Serial Peripheral Interface (hal_spi) | Interface functions for the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI). |
Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter (hal_uart) | Interface functions for the Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter (UART). |
2-Wire (hal_w2) | Interface for the 2-Wire module. |
Watchdog (hal_wdog) | Interface functions for the watchdog. |
Hardware abstraction layers nRF24LU1+ | Description |
Low frequency clock (cklf) | Interface functions for the low frequency clock module. |
CPU management (cpu) | CPU management functions. |
AES encryption (hal_aes) | Interface functions for encrypting data using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) hardware module. |
Flash (hal_flash) | Interface functions for self-programming of on-chip Flash. |
RF tranceiver (hal_nrf) | Interface functions for the on-chip radio transceiver. |
Serial Peripheral Interface (hal_spi) | Interface functions for the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI). |
Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter (hal_uart) | Interface functions for the Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter (UART). |
Universal Serial Bus (hal_usb) | Interface for the USB device controller. |