
Flash (hal_flash)
[nRF24LE1 HAL]

For nRF24LE1 there are 2 options for flash writing which is selected by the PMW bit in PCON:

Flash pages must be erased before they are written to. This is not shown in the example.
See also:


void hal_flash_page_erase (uint8_t pn)
void hal_flash_byte_write (uint16_t a, uint8_t b)
void hal_flash_bytes_write (uint16_t a, const uint8_t *p, uint16_t n)
uint8_t hal_flash_byte_read (uint16_t a)
void hal_flash_bytes_read (uint16_t a, uint8_t *p, uint16_t n)

Hardware dependencies

This sections contains hardware specific flash definitions. These definitions are not used inside the Flash HAL directly, but can become handy for the user of the Flash HAL.

#define HAL_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE   512
#define HAL_DATA_NV_FLASH_PN0   32
#define HAL_DATA_NV_FLASH_PN1   33

Define Documentation

#define HAL_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE   512

Number of bytes per Flash page.

Definition at line 32 of file hal_flash_hw.h.


Start (xdata) address for "Non Voltaile Data Memory".

Used by the EEPROM library.

Definition at line 39 of file hal_flash_hw.h.


Defines the number of physical Flash pages used by one "Non Voltaile Data Memory" page.

Definition at line 45 of file hal_flash_hw.h.

#define HAL_DATA_NV_FLASH_PN0   32

Defines the first physical flash page to which one "Non Voltaile Data Memory" is mapped.

Used by the EEPROM library.

Definition at line 53 of file hal_flash_hw.h.

#define HAL_DATA_NV_FLASH_PN1   33

Defines the second physical flash page to which one "Non Voltaile Data Memory" page is mapped.

Used by the EEPROM library.

Definition at line 61 of file hal_flash_hw.h.

Function Documentation

void hal_flash_page_erase ( uint8_t  pn )

Function to erase a page in the Flash memory

pnPage number

Definition at line 21 of file hal_flash.c.

  // Save interrupt enable state and disable interrupts:
  F0 = EA;
  EA = 0;

  // Enable flash write operation:
  WEN = 1;
  // Write the page address to FCR to start the page erase operation. This
  // operation is "self timed" when executing from the flash; the CPU will
  // halt until the operation is finished:
  FCR = pn;

  // When running from XDATA RAM we need to wait for the operation to finish:
  while(RDYN == 1)
  WEN = 0;
  EA = F0; // Restore interrupt enable state  
void hal_flash_byte_write ( uint16_t  a,
uint8_t  b 

Function to write a byte to the Flash memory

a16 bit address in Flash
bbyte to write

Definition at line 44 of file hal_flash.c.

  static uint8_t xdata *pb;
  // Save interrupt enable state and disable interrupts:
  F0 = EA;
  EA = 0;
  // Enable flash write operation:
  WEN = 1;
  // Write the byte directly to the flash. This operation is "self timed" when
  // executing from the flash; the CPU will halt until the operation is
  // finished:
  pb = (uint8_t xdata *)a;
  *pb = b; //lint -e613 "Null pointer ok here"

  // When running from XDATA RAM we need to wait for the operation to finish:
  while(RDYN == 1)

  WEN = 0;

  EA = F0; // Restore interrupt enable state
void hal_flash_bytes_write ( uint16_t  a,
const uint8_t *  p,
uint16_t  n 

Function to write n bytes to the Flash memory

a16 bit address in Flash
*ppointer to bytes to write
nnumber of bytes to write

Definition at line 70 of file hal_flash.c.

  static uint8_t xdata *pb;

  // Save interrupt enable state and disable interrupts:
  F0 = EA;
  EA = 0;

  // Enable flash write operation:
  WEN = 1;

  // Write the bytes directly to the flash. This operation is
  // "self timed"; the CPU will halt until the operation is
  // finished:
  pb = (uint8_t xdata *)a;
    *pb++ = *p++;
    // When running from XDATA RAM we need to wait for the operation to
    // finish:
    while(RDYN == 1)

  WEN = 0;

  EA = F0; // Restore interrupt enable state
uint8_t hal_flash_byte_read ( uint16_t  a )

Function to read a byte from the Flash memory

a16 bit address in Flash
the byte read

Definition at line 100 of file hal_flash.c.

  uint8_t xdata *pb = (uint8_t xdata *)a;
  return *pb;
void hal_flash_bytes_read ( uint16_t  a,
uint8_t *  p,
uint16_t  n 

Function to read n bytes from the Flash memory

a16 bit address in Flash
*ppointer to bytes to write
nnumber of bytes to read

Definition at line 106 of file hal_flash.c.

  uint8_t xdata *pb = (uint8_t xdata *)a;
    *p = *pb;