
hal/nrf24l01p/hal_nrf_reg.h File Reference

Register definitions for nRF24L01+. More...

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- Instruction Set -
#define W_REGISTER   0x20U
#define R_RX_PAYLOAD   0x61U
#define W_TX_PAYLOAD   0xA0U
#define FLUSH_TX   0xE1U
#define FLUSH_RX   0xE2U
#define REUSE_TX_PL   0xE3U
#define ACTIVATE   0x50U
#define R_RX_PL_WID   0x60U
#define W_ACK_PAYLOAD   0xA8U
#define W_TX_PAYLOAD_NOACK   0xB0U
#define NOP   0xFFU
- Register Memory Map -
#define CONFIG   0x00U
#define EN_AA   0x01U
#define EN_RXADDR   0x02U
#define SETUP_AW   0x03U
#define SETUP_RETR   0x04U
#define RF_CH   0x05U
#define RF_SETUP   0x06U
#define STATUS   0x07U
#define OBSERVE_TX   0x08U
#define CD   0x09U
#define RX_ADDR_P0   0x0AU
#define RX_ADDR_P1   0x0BU
#define RX_ADDR_P2   0x0CU
#define RX_ADDR_P3   0x0DU
#define RX_ADDR_P4   0x0EU
#define RX_ADDR_P5   0x0FU
#define TX_ADDR   0x10U
#define RX_PW_P0   0x11U
#define RX_PW_P1   0x12U
#define RX_PW_P2   0x13U
#define RX_PW_P3   0x14U
#define RX_PW_P4   0x15U
#define RX_PW_P5   0x16U
#define FIFO_STATUS   0x17U
#define DYNPD   0x1CU
#define FEATURE   0x1DU
CONFIG register bit definitions
#define MASK_RX_DR   6
#define MASK_TX_DS   5
#define MASK_MAX_RT   4
#define EN_CRC   3
#define CRCO   2
#define PWR_UP   1
#define PRIM_RX   0
RF_SETUP register bit definitions
#define PLL_LOCK   4
#define RF_DR   3
#define RF_PWR1   2
#define RF_PWR0   1
#define LNA_HCURR   0
STATUS register bit definitions
#define RX_DR   6
#define TX_DS   5
#define MAX_RT   4
#define TX_FULL   0
FIFO_STATUS register bit definitions
#define TX_REUSE   6
#define TX_FIFO_FULL   5
#define TX_EMPTY   4
#define RX_FULL   1
#define RX_EMPTY   0


enum  hal_nrf_irq_source_t { HAL_NRF_MAX_RT = 4, HAL_NRF_TX_DS, HAL_NRF_RX_DR }
enum  hal_nrf_operation_mode_t { HAL_NRF_PTX, HAL_NRF_PRX }
enum  hal_nrf_pwr_mode_t { HAL_NRF_PWR_DOWN, HAL_NRF_PWR_UP }
enum  hal_nrf_output_power_t { HAL_NRF_18DBM, HAL_NRF_12DBM, HAL_NRF_6DBM, HAL_NRF_0DBM }
enum  hal_nrf_datarate_t { HAL_NRF_1MBPS, HAL_NRF_2MBPS, HAL_NRF_250KBPS }
enum  hal_nrf_crc_mode_t { HAL_NRF_CRC_OFF, HAL_NRF_CRC_8BIT, HAL_NRF_CRC_16BIT }
enum  hal_nrf_pload_command_t { HAL_NRF_TX_PLOAD = 7, HAL_NRF_RX_PLOAD, HAL_NRF_ACK_PLOAD }
enum  hal_nrf_address_t {
enum  hal_nrf_address_width_t { HAL_NRF_AW_3BYTES = 3, HAL_NRF_AW_4BYTES, HAL_NRF_AW_5BYTES }

Detailed Description

Register definitions for nRF24L01+.

Header file defining register mapping with bit definitions. This file is radio-chip dependent, and are included with the hal_nrf.h

Definition in file hal_nrf_reg.h.

Define Documentation

#define W_REGISTER   0x20U

Register write command

Definition at line 29 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define R_RX_PAYLOAD   0x61U

Read RX payload command

Definition at line 30 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define W_TX_PAYLOAD   0xA0U

Write TX payload command

Definition at line 31 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define FLUSH_TX   0xE1U

Flush TX register command

Definition at line 32 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define FLUSH_RX   0xE2U

Flush RX register command

Definition at line 33 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define REUSE_TX_PL   0xE3U

Reuse TX payload command

Definition at line 34 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define ACTIVATE   0x50U

Activate features

Definition at line 35 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define R_RX_PL_WID   0x60U

Read RX payload command

Definition at line 36 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define W_ACK_PAYLOAD   0xA8U

Write ACK payload command

Definition at line 37 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define W_TX_PAYLOAD_NOACK   0xB0U

Write ACK payload command

Definition at line 38 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define NOP   0xFFU

No Operation command, used for reading status register

Definition at line 39 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define CONFIG   0x00U

nRF24L01 config register

Definition at line 45 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define EN_AA   0x01U

nRF24L01 enable Auto-Acknowledge register

Definition at line 46 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define EN_RXADDR   0x02U

nRF24L01 enable RX addresses register

Definition at line 47 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define SETUP_AW   0x03U

nRF24L01 setup of address width register

Definition at line 48 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define SETUP_RETR   0x04U

nRF24L01 setup of automatic retransmission register

Definition at line 49 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define RF_CH   0x05U

nRF24L01 RF channel register

Definition at line 50 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define RF_SETUP   0x06U

nRF24L01 RF setup register

Definition at line 51 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define STATUS   0x07U

nRF24L01 status register

Definition at line 52 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define OBSERVE_TX   0x08U

nRF24L01 transmit observe register

Definition at line 53 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define CD   0x09U

nRF24L01 carrier detect register

Definition at line 54 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define RX_ADDR_P0   0x0AU

nRF24L01 receive address data pipe0

Definition at line 55 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define RX_ADDR_P1   0x0BU

nRF24L01 receive address data pipe1

Definition at line 56 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define RX_ADDR_P2   0x0CU

nRF24L01 receive address data pipe2

Definition at line 57 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define RX_ADDR_P3   0x0DU

nRF24L01 receive address data pipe3

Definition at line 58 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define RX_ADDR_P4   0x0EU

nRF24L01 receive address data pipe4

Definition at line 59 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define RX_ADDR_P5   0x0FU

nRF24L01 receive address data pipe5

Definition at line 60 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define TX_ADDR   0x10U

nRF24L01 transmit address

Definition at line 61 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define RX_PW_P0   0x11U

nRF24L01 # of bytes in rx payload for pipe0

Definition at line 62 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define RX_PW_P1   0x12U

nRF24L01 # of bytes in rx payload for pipe1

Definition at line 63 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define RX_PW_P2   0x13U

nRF24L01 # of bytes in rx payload for pipe2

Definition at line 64 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define RX_PW_P3   0x14U

nRF24L01 # of bytes in rx payload for pipe3

Definition at line 65 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define RX_PW_P4   0x15U

nRF24L01 # of bytes in rx payload for pipe4

Definition at line 66 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define RX_PW_P5   0x16U

nRF24L01 # of bytes in rx payload for pipe5

Definition at line 67 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define FIFO_STATUS   0x17U

nRF24L01 FIFO status register

Definition at line 68 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define DYNPD   0x1CU

nRF24L01 Dynamic payload setup

Definition at line 69 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define FEATURE   0x1DU

nRF24L01 Exclusive feature setup

Definition at line 70 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define MASK_RX_DR   6

CONFIG register bit 6

Definition at line 189 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define MASK_TX_DS   5

CONFIG register bit 5

Definition at line 190 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define MASK_MAX_RT   4

CONFIG register bit 4

Definition at line 191 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define EN_CRC   3

CONFIG register bit 3

Definition at line 192 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define CRCO   2

CONFIG register bit 2

Definition at line 193 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define PWR_UP   1

CONFIG register bit 1

Definition at line 194 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define PRIM_RX   0

CONFIG register bit 0

Definition at line 195 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define PLL_LOCK   4

RF_SETUP register bit 4

Definition at line 200 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define RF_DR   3

RF_SETUP register bit 3

Definition at line 201 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define RF_PWR1   2

RF_SETUP register bit 2

Definition at line 202 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define RF_PWR0   1

RF_SETUP register bit 1

Definition at line 203 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define LNA_HCURR   0

RF_SETUP register bit 0

Definition at line 204 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define RX_DR   6

STATUS register bit 6

Definition at line 210 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define TX_DS   5

STATUS register bit 5

Definition at line 211 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define MAX_RT   4

STATUS register bit 4

Definition at line 212 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define TX_FULL   0

STATUS register bit 0

Definition at line 213 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define TX_REUSE   6

FIFO_STATUS register bit 6

Definition at line 219 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define TX_FIFO_FULL   5

FIFO_STATUS register bit 5

Definition at line 220 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define TX_EMPTY   4

FIFO_STATUS register bit 4

Definition at line 221 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define RX_FULL   1

FIFO_STATUS register bit 1

Definition at line 222 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

#define RX_EMPTY   0

FIFO_STATUS register bit 0

Definition at line 223 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

An enum describing the radio's irq sources.


Max retries interrupt


TX data sent interrupt


RX data received interrupt

Definition at line 81 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

An enum describing the radio's power mode.


Primary TX operation


Primary RX operation

Definition at line 91 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

An enum describing the radio's power mode.


Device power-down


Device power-up

Definition at line 99 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

An enum describing the radio's output power mode's.


Output power set to -18dBm


Output power set to -12dBm


Output power set to -6dBm


Output power set to 0dBm

Definition at line 107 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

An enum describing the radio's on-air datarate.


Datarate set to 1 Mbps


Datarate set to 2 Mbps


Datarate set to 250 kbps

Definition at line 117 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

An enum describing the radio's CRC mode.


CRC check disabled


CRC check set to 8-bit


CRC check set to 16-bit

Definition at line 126 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

An enum describing the read/write payload command.


TX payload definition


RX payload definition


Definition at line 135 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

Structure containing the radio's address map. Pipe0 contains 5 unique address bytes, while pipe[1..5] share the 4 MSB bytes, set in pipe1.

- Remember that the LSB byte for all pipes have to be unique! - An enum describing the nRF24L01 pipe addresses and TX address.


Select pipe0


Select pipe1


Select pipe2


Select pipe3


Select pipe4


Select pipe5


Refer to TX address


Close or open all pipes

See also:

Definition at line 163 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.

An enum describing the radio's address width.


Set address width to 3 bytes


Set address width to 4 bytes


Set address width to 5 bytes

Definition at line 179 of file hal_nrf_reg.h.