Defines | Variables

compiler/c51/reg24lu1.h File Reference

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#define RWD   0x00
#define WWD   0x08
#define RGTIMER   0x01
#define WGTIMER   0x09
#define RRTCLAT   0x02
#define WRTCLAT   0x0A
#define RRTC   0x03
#define WRTCDIS   0x0B
#define RWSTA0   0x04
#define WWCON0   0x0C
#define RWSTA1   0x05
#define WWCON1   0x0D
#define INTERRUPT_EXT_INT0   0
#define INTERRUPT_T0   1
#define INTERRUPT_T1   3
#define INTERRUPT_UART0   4
#define INTERRUPT_T2   5
#define INTERRUPT_RF_RDY   8
#define INTERRUPT_SPI   10
#define INTERRUPT_USB_WU   11
#define INTERRUPT_USB_INT   12
#define INTERRUPT_WU   13


sfr P0 = 0x80
sfr SP = 0x81
sfr DPL = 0x82
sfr DPH = 0x83
sfr DPL1 = 0x84
sfr DPH1 = 0x85
sfr PCON = 0x87
sfr TCON = 0x88
sfr TMOD = 0x89
sfr TL0 = 0x8A
sfr TL1 = 0x8B
sfr TH0 = 0x8C
sfr TH1 = 0x8D
sfr CKCON = 0x8E
sfr RFCON = 0x90
sfr DPS = 0x92
sfr P0DIR = 0x94
sfr P0ALT = 0x95
sfr S0CON = 0x98
sfr S0BUF = 0x99
sfr IEN2 = 0x9A
sfr USBCON = 0xA0
sfr CLKCTL = 0xA3
sfr PWRDWN = 0xA4
sfr WUCONF = 0xA5
sfr INTEXP = 0xA6
sfr IEN0 = 0xA8
sfr IP0 = 0xA9
sfr S0RELL = 0xAA
sfr REGXH = 0xAB
sfr REGXL = 0xAC
sfr REGXC = 0xAD
sfr RSTRES = 0xB1
sfr SMDAT = 0xB2
sfr SMCTL = 0xB3
sfr TICKDV = 0xB5
sfr IEN1 = 0xB8
sfr IP1 = 0xB9
sfr S0RELH = 0xBA
sfr SSCONF = 0xBC
sfr SSDATA = 0xBD
sfr SSSTAT = 0xBE
sfr IRCON = 0xC0
sfr CCEN = 0xC1
sfr CCL1 = 0xC2
sfr CCH1 = 0xC3
sfr CCL2 = 0xC4
sfr CCH2 = 0xC5
sfr CCL3 = 0xC6
sfr CCH3 = 0xC7
sfr T2CON = 0xC8
sfr P0EXP = 0xC9
sfr CRCL = 0xCA
sfr CRCH = 0xCB
sfr TL2 = 0xCC
sfr TH2 = 0xCD
sfr PSW = 0xD0
sfr WDCON = 0xD8
sfr USBSLP = 0xD9
sfr ACC = 0xE0
sfr RFDAT = 0xE5
sfr RFCTL = 0xE6
sfr AESCS = 0xE8
sfr MD0 = 0xE9
sfr MD1 = 0xEA
sfr MD2 = 0xEB
sfr MD3 = 0xEC
sfr MD4 = 0xED
sfr MD5 = 0xEE
sfr ARCON = 0xEF
sfr B = 0xF0
sfr AESKIN = 0xF1
sfr AESIV = 0xF2
sfr AESD = 0xF3
sfr AESIA1 = 0xF5
sfr AESIA2 = 0xF6
sfr FSR = 0xF8
sfr FPCR = 0xF9
sfr FCR = 0xFA
sfr16 CC1 = 0xC2
sfr16 CC2 = 0xC4
sfr16 CC3 = 0xC6
sfr16 CRC = 0xCA
sfr16 T2 = 0xCC
sbit MCDIS = FSR^7
sbit STP = FSR^6
sbit WEN = FSR^5
sbit RDYN = FSR^4
sbit INFEN = FSR^3
sbit RDIS = FSR^2
sbit RDEND = FSR^1
sbit WPEN = FSR^0
sbit CY = PSW^7
sbit AC = PSW^6
sbit F0 = PSW^5
sbit RS1 = PSW^4
sbit RS0 = PSW^3
sbit OV = PSW^2
sbit F1 = PSW^1
sbit P = PSW^0
sbit TF1 = TCON^7
sbit TR1 = TCON^6
sbit TF0 = TCON^5
sbit TR0 = TCON^4
sbit IE1 = TCON^3
sbit IT1 = TCON^2
sbit IE0 = TCON^1
sbit IT0 = TCON^0
sbit SM0 = S0CON^7
sbit SM1 = S0CON^6
sbit SM20 = S0CON^5
sbit REN0 = S0CON^4
sbit TB80 = S0CON^3
sbit RB80 = S0CON^2
sbit TI0 = S0CON^1
sbit RI0 = S0CON^0
sbit T2PS = T2CON^7
sbit I3FR = T2CON^6
sbit I2FR = T2CON^5
sbit T2R1 = T2CON^4
sbit T2R0 = T2CON^3
sbit T2CM = T2CON^2
sbit T2I1 = T2CON^1
sbit T2I0 = T2CON^0
sbit EA = IEN0^7
sbit ET2 = IEN0^5
sbit ES0 = IEN0^4
sbit ET1 = IEN0^3
sbit EX1 = IEN0^2
sbit ET0 = IEN0^1
sbit EX0 = IEN0^0
sbit EXEN2 = IEN1^7
sbit WUIRQ = IEN1^5
sbit USB = IEN1^4
sbit USBWU = IEN1^3
sbit SPI = IEN1^2
sbit RF = IEN1^1
sbit RFSPI = IEN1^0
sbit EXF2 = IRCON^7
sbit TF2 = IRCON^6
sbit WUF = IRCON^5
sbit USBF = IRCON^4
sbit SPIF = IRCON^2
sbit RFF = IRCON^1
sbit WU = USBCON^6
sbit IV4 = USBCON^4
sbit IV3 = USBCON^3
sbit IV2 = USBCON^2
sbit IV1 = USBCON^1
sbit IV0 = USBCON^0
sbit P00 = P0^0
sbit P01 = P0^1
sbit P02 = P0^2
sbit P03 = P0^3
sbit MCSN = P0^3
sbit SCSN = P0^3
sbit P04 = P0^4
sbit P05 = P0^5
sbit RFCE = RFCON^0
sbit RFCSN = RFCON^1
sbit BD = WDCON^7
sbit GO = AESCS^0
sbit DECR = AESCS^1

Define Documentation

#define RWD   0x00

Definition at line 236 of file reg24lu1.h.

#define WWD   0x08

Definition at line 237 of file reg24lu1.h.

#define RGTIMER   0x01

Definition at line 238 of file reg24lu1.h.

#define WGTIMER   0x09

Definition at line 239 of file reg24lu1.h.

#define RRTCLAT   0x02

Definition at line 240 of file reg24lu1.h.

#define WRTCLAT   0x0A

Definition at line 241 of file reg24lu1.h.

#define RRTC   0x03

Definition at line 242 of file reg24lu1.h.

#define WRTCDIS   0x0B

Definition at line 243 of file reg24lu1.h.

#define RWSTA0   0x04

Definition at line 244 of file reg24lu1.h.

#define WWCON0   0x0C

Definition at line 245 of file reg24lu1.h.

#define RWSTA1   0x05

Definition at line 246 of file reg24lu1.h.

#define WWCON1   0x0D

Definition at line 247 of file reg24lu1.h.

#define INTERRUPT_EXT_INT0   0

Definition at line 253 of file reg24lu1.h.

#define INTERRUPT_T0   1

Definition at line 254 of file reg24lu1.h.


Definition at line 255 of file reg24lu1.h.

#define INTERRUPT_T1   3

Definition at line 256 of file reg24lu1.h.

#define INTERRUPT_UART0   4

Definition at line 257 of file reg24lu1.h.

#define INTERRUPT_T2   5

Definition at line 258 of file reg24lu1.h.

#define INTERRUPT_RF_RDY   8

Definition at line 259 of file reg24lu1.h.


Definition at line 260 of file reg24lu1.h.

#define INTERRUPT_SPI   10

Definition at line 261 of file reg24lu1.h.

#define INTERRUPT_USB_WU   11

Definition at line 262 of file reg24lu1.h.

#define INTERRUPT_USB_INT   12

Definition at line 263 of file reg24lu1.h.

#define INTERRUPT_WU   13

Definition at line 264 of file reg24lu1.h.

Variable Documentation

sfr P0 = 0x80

Definition at line 16 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr SP = 0x81

Definition at line 17 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr DPL = 0x82

Definition at line 18 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr DPH = 0x83

Definition at line 19 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr DPL1 = 0x84

Definition at line 20 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr DPH1 = 0x85

Definition at line 21 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr PCON = 0x87

Definition at line 22 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr TCON = 0x88

Definition at line 23 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr TMOD = 0x89

Definition at line 24 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr TL0 = 0x8A

Definition at line 25 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr TL1 = 0x8B

Definition at line 26 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr TH0 = 0x8C

Definition at line 27 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr TH1 = 0x8D

Definition at line 28 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr CKCON = 0x8E

Definition at line 29 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr RFCON = 0x90

Definition at line 30 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr DPS = 0x92

Definition at line 31 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr P0DIR = 0x94

Definition at line 32 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr P0ALT = 0x95

Definition at line 33 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr S0CON = 0x98

Definition at line 34 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr S0BUF = 0x99

Definition at line 35 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr IEN2 = 0x9A

Definition at line 36 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr USBCON = 0xA0

Definition at line 37 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr CLKCTL = 0xA3

Definition at line 38 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr PWRDWN = 0xA4

Definition at line 39 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr WUCONF = 0xA5

Definition at line 40 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr INTEXP = 0xA6

Definition at line 41 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr IEN0 = 0xA8

Definition at line 42 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr IP0 = 0xA9

Definition at line 43 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr S0RELL = 0xAA

Definition at line 44 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr REGXH = 0xAB

Definition at line 45 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr REGXL = 0xAC

Definition at line 46 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr REGXC = 0xAD

Definition at line 47 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr RSTRES = 0xB1

Definition at line 48 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr SMDAT = 0xB2

Definition at line 49 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr SMCTL = 0xB3

Definition at line 50 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr TICKDV = 0xB5

Definition at line 51 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr IEN1 = 0xB8

Definition at line 52 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr IP1 = 0xB9

Definition at line 53 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr S0RELH = 0xBA

Definition at line 54 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr SSCONF = 0xBC

Definition at line 55 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr SSDATA = 0xBD

Definition at line 56 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr SSSTAT = 0xBE

Definition at line 57 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr IRCON = 0xC0

Definition at line 58 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr CCEN = 0xC1

Definition at line 59 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr CCL1 = 0xC2

Definition at line 60 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr CCH1 = 0xC3

Definition at line 61 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr CCL2 = 0xC4

Definition at line 62 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr CCH2 = 0xC5

Definition at line 63 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr CCL3 = 0xC6

Definition at line 64 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr CCH3 = 0xC7

Definition at line 65 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr T2CON = 0xC8

Definition at line 66 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr P0EXP = 0xC9

Definition at line 67 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr CRCL = 0xCA

Definition at line 68 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr CRCH = 0xCB

Definition at line 69 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr TL2 = 0xCC

Definition at line 70 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr TH2 = 0xCD

Definition at line 71 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr PSW = 0xD0

Definition at line 72 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr WDCON = 0xD8

Definition at line 73 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr USBSLP = 0xD9

Definition at line 74 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr ACC = 0xE0

Definition at line 75 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr RFDAT = 0xE5

Definition at line 76 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr RFCTL = 0xE6

Definition at line 77 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr AESCS = 0xE8

Definition at line 78 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr MD0 = 0xE9

Definition at line 79 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr MD1 = 0xEA

Definition at line 80 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr MD2 = 0xEB

Definition at line 81 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr MD3 = 0xEC

Definition at line 82 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr MD4 = 0xED

Definition at line 83 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr MD5 = 0xEE

Definition at line 84 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr ARCON = 0xEF

Definition at line 85 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr B = 0xF0

Definition at line 86 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr AESKIN = 0xF1

Definition at line 87 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr AESIV = 0xF2

Definition at line 88 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr AESD = 0xF3

Definition at line 89 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr AESIA1 = 0xF5

Definition at line 90 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr AESIA2 = 0xF6

Definition at line 91 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr FSR = 0xF8

Definition at line 92 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr FPCR = 0xF9

Definition at line 93 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr FCR = 0xFA

Definition at line 94 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr16 CC1 = 0xC2

Definition at line 100 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr16 CC2 = 0xC4

Definition at line 101 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr16 CC3 = 0xC6

Definition at line 102 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr16 CRC = 0xCA

Definition at line 103 of file reg24lu1.h.

sfr16 T2 = 0xCC

Definition at line 104 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit MCDIS = FSR^7

Definition at line 121 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit STP = FSR^6

Definition at line 122 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit WEN = FSR^5

Definition at line 123 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit RDYN = FSR^4

Definition at line 124 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit INFEN = FSR^3

Definition at line 125 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit RDIS = FSR^2

Definition at line 126 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit RDEND = FSR^1

Definition at line 127 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit WPEN = FSR^0

Definition at line 128 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit CY = PSW^7

Definition at line 131 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit AC = PSW^6

Definition at line 132 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit F0 = PSW^5

Definition at line 133 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit RS1 = PSW^4

Definition at line 134 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit RS0 = PSW^3

Definition at line 135 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit OV = PSW^2

Definition at line 136 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit F1 = PSW^1

Definition at line 137 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit P = PSW^0

Definition at line 138 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit TF1 = TCON^7

Definition at line 141 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit TR1 = TCON^6

Definition at line 142 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit TF0 = TCON^5

Definition at line 143 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit TR0 = TCON^4

Definition at line 144 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit IE1 = TCON^3

Definition at line 145 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit IT1 = TCON^2

Definition at line 146 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit IE0 = TCON^1

Definition at line 147 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit IT0 = TCON^0

Definition at line 148 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit SM0 = S0CON^7

Definition at line 151 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit SM1 = S0CON^6

Definition at line 152 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit SM20 = S0CON^5

Definition at line 153 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit REN0 = S0CON^4

Definition at line 154 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit TB80 = S0CON^3

Definition at line 155 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit RB80 = S0CON^2

Definition at line 156 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit TI0 = S0CON^1

Definition at line 157 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit RI0 = S0CON^0

Definition at line 158 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit T2PS = T2CON^7

Definition at line 161 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit I3FR = T2CON^6

Definition at line 162 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit I2FR = T2CON^5

Definition at line 163 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit T2R1 = T2CON^4

Definition at line 164 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit T2R0 = T2CON^3

Definition at line 165 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit T2CM = T2CON^2

Definition at line 166 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit T2I1 = T2CON^1

Definition at line 167 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit T2I0 = T2CON^0

Definition at line 168 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit EA = IEN0^7

Definition at line 171 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit ET2 = IEN0^5

Definition at line 173 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit ES0 = IEN0^4

Definition at line 174 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit ET1 = IEN0^3

Definition at line 175 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit EX1 = IEN0^2

Definition at line 176 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit ET0 = IEN0^1

Definition at line 177 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit EX0 = IEN0^0

Definition at line 178 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit EXEN2 = IEN1^7

Definition at line 181 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit WUIRQ = IEN1^5

Definition at line 183 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit USB = IEN1^4

Definition at line 184 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit USBWU = IEN1^3

Definition at line 185 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit SPI = IEN1^2

Definition at line 186 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit RF = IEN1^1

Definition at line 187 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit RFSPI = IEN1^0

Definition at line 188 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit EXF2 = IRCON^7

Definition at line 191 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit TF2 = IRCON^6

Definition at line 192 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit WUF = IRCON^5

Definition at line 193 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit USBF = IRCON^4

Definition at line 194 of file reg24lu1.h.


Definition at line 195 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit SPIF = IRCON^2

Definition at line 196 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit RFF = IRCON^1

Definition at line 197 of file reg24lu1.h.


Definition at line 198 of file reg24lu1.h.


Definition at line 201 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit WU = USBCON^6

Definition at line 202 of file reg24lu1.h.


Definition at line 203 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit IV4 = USBCON^4

Definition at line 204 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit IV3 = USBCON^3

Definition at line 205 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit IV2 = USBCON^2

Definition at line 206 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit IV1 = USBCON^1

Definition at line 207 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit IV0 = USBCON^0

Definition at line 208 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit P00 = P0^0

Definition at line 211 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit P01 = P0^1

Definition at line 212 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit P02 = P0^2

Definition at line 213 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit P03 = P0^3

Definition at line 214 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit MCSN = P0^3

Definition at line 215 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit SCSN = P0^3

Definition at line 216 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit P04 = P0^4

Definition at line 217 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit P05 = P0^5

Definition at line 218 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit RFCE = RFCON^0

Definition at line 221 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit RFCSN = RFCON^1

Definition at line 222 of file reg24lu1.h.


Definition at line 223 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit BD = WDCON^7

Definition at line 226 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit GO = AESCS^0

Definition at line 229 of file reg24lu1.h.

sbit DECR = AESCS^1

Definition at line 230 of file reg24lu1.h.