
Gazell pairing library Device example

Gazell Link Layer Device using the Gazell pairing library for adding dynamic pairing functionality.

The application tries to send packets continuously. If a packet transmission fails (either times out or encryption failed), the Device will attempt pairing to a Host by sending a pairing request, consisting of an "address request" and a "Host ID" request.

If the Device is paired to a Host, pairing data will be stored in non volatile memory.

During normal packet transmission the contents of P0 are sent in the first payload byte (byte 0).

The application alternates between sending the packets encrypted through the pairing library or directly as plaintext using pipe 2.

The project Gazell pairing library Host example can be used as a counterpart for receiving the data.


void main (void)

Function Documentation

void main ( void   )

Definition at line 53 of file main.c.

  bool send_crypt_data = false;
  bool tx_success = false;
  gzp_id_req_res_t id_req_status;
  uint8_t payload[GZLL_MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH];
  // Initialize Gazell Link Layer
  // Initialize Gazell Pairing Library

  EA = 1;

    payload[0] = ~P0;
    // Send every other packet as encrypted data  
      // Send encrypted packet using the Gazell pairing library
      tx_success = gzp_crypt_data_send(payload, GZP_ENCRYPTED_USER_DATA_MAX_LENGTH);

      // Send packet as plaintext on pipe 2
      gzll_tx_data(payload, GZLL_MAX_FW_PAYLOAD_LENGTH, 2);   
      while(gzll_get_state() != GZLL_IDLE){
      tx_success = gzll_tx_success();
    send_crypt_data = !send_crypt_data;

    // If data transfer failed
      // Send "system address request". Needed for sending any user data to Host.
      // Send "Host ID request". Needed for sending encrypted user data to host.
      id_req_status = gzp_id_req_send();

    // If waiting for Host to grant or reject ID request
    if(id_req_status == GZP_ID_RESP_PENDING)
      // Send new ID request for fetching response
      id_req_status = gzp_id_req_send();