Functions | Variables

Enhanced ShockBurst Primary Receiver (PRX) example

This example monitors for data and writes the first byte (byte 0) of the received payloads to P0.

The example shows the minimum required setup for receiving packets from a primary transmitter (PTX) device.

The following default radio parameters are being used:

The project Enhanced ShockBurst Primary Transmitter (PTX) example can be used as a counterpart for transmitting the data.


void main ()


uint8_t payload [3]

Function Documentation

void main ( void   )

Definition at line 56 of file main.c.

#ifdef MCU_NRF24LE1
  while(hal_clk_get_16m_source() != HAL_CLK_XOSC16M)
    // Wait until 16 MHz crystal oscillator is running
  #ifdef MCU_NRF24LU1P
  // Enable radio SPI
  RFCTL = 0x10;

  // Set P0 as output
  P0DIR = 0;

  // Enable the radio clock
  RFCKEN = 1;

  // Enable RF interrupt
  RF = 1;
  // Enable global interrupt
  EA = 1;

  // Configure radio as primary receiver (PTX)

  // Set payload width to 3 bytes
  hal_nrf_set_rx_payload_width((int)HAL_NRF_PIPE0, 3);

  // Power up radio

  // Enable receiver

NRF_ISR (  )

Definition at line 97 of file main.c.

  uint8_t irq_flags;

  // Read and clear IRQ flags from radio
  irq_flags = hal_nrf_get_clear_irq_flags();

  // If data received
  if((irq_flags & (1<<(uint8_t)HAL_NRF_RX_DR)) > 0)
    // Read payload

    // Write received payload[0] to port 0
    P0 = payload[0];

Variable Documentation

uint8_t payload[3]

Definition at line 54 of file main.c.