
Enhanced ShockBurst Primary Transmitter (PTX) example

This example sends packets continuously. The contents of P0 are sent in the first payload byte (byte 0).

The example shows the minimum required setup for transmitting packets to a primary receiver (PRX) device.

The following default radio parameters are being used:

The project Enhanced ShockBurst Primary Receiver (PRX) example can be used as a counterpart for receiving the data.


void main (void)

Function Documentation

void main ( void   )

Definition at line 59 of file main.c.

  uint8_t payload[3];

  #ifdef MCU_NRF24LE1
  while(hal_clk_get_16m_source() != HAL_CLK_XOSC16M)
    // Wait until 16 MHz crystal oscillator is running

  #ifdef MCU_NRF24LU1P
  // Enable radio SPI
  RFCTL = 0x10U;

  // Enable the radio clock
  RFCKEN = 1U;

  // Enable RF interrupt
  RF = 1U;

  // Enable global interrupt
  EA = 1U;

  // Power up radio

    // Put P0 contents in payload[0]
    payload[0] = ~P0;

    // Write payload to radio TX FIFO
    hal_nrf_write_tx_payload(payload, 3U);

    // Toggle radio CE signal to start transmission

    radio_busy = true;
    // Wait for radio operation to finish
    while (radio_busy)
NRF_ISR (  )

Definition at line 107 of file main.c.

  uint8_t irq_flags;

  // Read and clear IRQ flags from radio
  irq_flags = hal_nrf_get_clear_irq_flags();

    // Transmission success
    case (1 << (uint8_t)HAL_NRF_TX_DS):
      radio_busy = false;
      // Data has been sent
    // Transmission failed (maximum re-transmits)
    case (1 << (uint8_t)HAL_NRF_MAX_RT):
      // When a MAX_RT interrupt occurs the TX payload will not be removed from the TX FIFO.
      // If the packet is to be discarded this must be done manually by flushing the TX FIFO.
      // Alternatively, CE_PULSE() can be called re-starting transmission of the payload.
      // (Will only be possible after the radio irq flags are cleared)
      radio_busy = false;